If you’re thinking about purchasing a new car for yourself or your kids, it’s important to consider the size of the vehicle size for maximum safety. According to vehicle crash tests, small vehicles have the highest fatality rates in auto accidents.
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, most small vehicles perform poorly in car accidents, especially head-on collisions. This is important information that could save your life or your child’s life in a front-end car crash. Vehicle crash tests show that drivers in small cars are almost eight times more likely to suffer fatal injuries in a crash than drivers in larger vehicles. When a small car is involved in a head-on collision with a larger, heavier vehicle, the small car takes most of the impact from the crash. Even in small cars that have better frontal-crash test scores, drivers in small cars are five times more likely to die in a crash with larger vehicles, especially SUVs and small trucks. Although drivers and passengers are never completely insulated against injuries from a head-on collision, a dui attorney fairfax va sees more severe injuries and fatalities in people traveling in small cars.
National accident statistics show that head-on collisions are responsible for at least half of all deaths in car accidents. Every year in the United States, 20,000 people die in head-on collisions on city roads, highways, and freeways. Drivers and/or passengers who are not killed sustain serious injuries including:
* Broken or fractured facial bones
* Whiplash in the neck and shoulders
* Spinal injuries
* Lung and chest injuries
* Head trauma and/or brain damage
* Decapitation
There are a variety of factors that contribute to head-on collisions. Excessive speed, impaired or drunk driving, distracted driving, lack of attention to the road, improper lane changes, unbuckled seat belts, and hazardous road conditions cause many car crashes seen by a dui attorney fairfax va . However, the size of your vehicle and its safety features can mean the difference between life and death in a head-on collision. To minimize your risks of severe injuries or death in a car accident, think carefully about the size of your car.