If you or a loved one has recently wound up in jail, you may struggle to successfully pay your bail. Many times, going to jail is an unexpected event, one that can come with an equally unexpected expense. To get out of jail as soon as possible, the bail will need to be paid. What if it’s a struggle to come up with the money? Here are several ways to raise money for bail and get out of jail so you can continue with your life or the next step in your legal case.

Sell Items
These days, it’s easier than ever to sell your unwanted items online. Explore your options for sellers, as well as how much you’re likely to fetch for anything you want to sell. Additionally, check to see how much you may have to pay for any fees or shipping costs incurred by selling your belongings. This is a good way to clear the clutter from your home while getting yourself or your friend out of an unfortunate situation.
Have a Garage Sale
Depending on your geographic location and what you want to sell, it may be less of a hassle for you to have a garage sale rather than hop online. This can save you on the cost of shipping, and you can get your money faster than you would had you conducted the transaction online. Don’t hesitate to advertise the fact you’re holding the sale for a friend who needs to make bail. The community could come together to help you out while getting in some great buys at the same time.
Consider Crowdfunding
Online crowdfunding has exploded in recent years. Everything from movie productions and car replacement to medical bills and technology have been successfully funded through online crowdfunding.
With this option, it helps to be as transparent as possible about the circumstances surrounding the jailing and why potential donors should help you out. Legal experts like those at Cordell & Cordell can tell you that a story like a single father in jail who needs bail money to go back to work and take care of his child is likely to make people want to donate. Even if you don’t manage to make all the bail money you need through crowdfunding, it could put a significant dent in the overall cost.
Turn to Friends and Family
Now is the time when you need to reach out to friends and family to see if they would be willing to help a loved one in need. You may be embarrassed to share why you need the bail money, but you have to realize we all make mistakes. That, and there’s also the fact that like with crowdfunding, you’re more likely to convince people to donate if you’re fully honest with them. Surely your embarrassment is worth getting out of jail so you can go back to your regular life as soon as possible.
Ask a Legal Expert
Going back to the legal experts of law firms like Cordell and Cordell, ask your lawyer if she or he knows of any local or federal programs you can turn to pay your bail. This makes perfect sense, as your lawyer has likely helped people in your position before and knows which strategies are the most effective and which are a waste of time.
Consider Bail Bonds Companies
There are companies made specifically for those in jail unable to pay their bail. Bail bond companies require a portion of the total bond, such as 10 percent, before paying the rest. Know that any assets or money you put toward that percentage are non-refundable, so be sure you understand the terms of the agreement and what you need to do to maintain possession of your assets.
Not all hope is lost if you don’t have every cent of your bail on hand. Use all options at your disposal, and do everything you can to ensure you don’t wind up behind bars ever again.