You never think it will happen to you. You always think that the other driver is at fault and will be held accountable in a court of law and that the insurance company will pay for all of your medical bills, lost time from work, and other things. But what if they aren’t? What if there was no police report, the other person was uninsured and, worse, you’re being blamed for the car accident? Unfortunately, this situation is common.
People Make Mistakes Just After a Car Accident
Under the pressure and confusion of the aftermath of a car accident, people often make several mistakes.
- They don’t get a police report.
- They delay getting medical treatment for injuries and give wrong information to the doctor based on fuzzy or inaccurately remembering details from the accident.
- They don’t disclose drug or alcohol usage that day before the accident.
- They admit fault for the accident immediately or apologize profusely.
Worse, they flee the scene of an accident, thinking no one saw them and that they won’t be held accountable. If you fall victim to a car accident and the other person has fled, it’s even more important not to make the above mistakes.
Insurance Companies Exploit Loopholes
Insurance companies will try to second guess where the blame should lie and might not stand up for you in the way you thought they would. Many people quickly learn the insurance companies don’t operate the way we’re taught if we’re involved in a car accident. …