Whether you’re considering divorce or have recently been served with a petition, there are several steps you should take to find the right lawyer for your needs.
Ask for Recommendations
One of the easiest ways to find the right divorce lawyer for your needs is to ask for recommendations. You can do this through your friends and family, accountants, and other professionals you know well. The key is to make sure the recommendation comes from a trustworthy source. If you’re dealing with something as emotionally intense and complex as a divorce, you want someone with the experience and skills to help you navigate this journey peacefully. Once you have a list of possible attorneys, schedule an interview and consultation. This will allow you to understand better how each attorney works and whether they’re a good fit for your case.
It’s also important to look for a lawyer who has worked with local judges and understands how they rule. This can make a big difference in the way your case is handled. For example, suppose you have a particular judge who is tough on custody rulings. In that case, your lawyer should know how they can work to avoid this outcome.
Look for Experience
When finding the right divorce lawyer for your needs, looking for someone with expertise and experience is best. That means someone who has dealt with a particular type of case (such as custody issues, property division, prenuptial agreements, or other aspects of divorce). You should also find …